[Rigf_program] MSG Chair appointment at tomorrow's meeting

Paul Wilson pwilson at apnic.net
Thu Sep 12 13:59:02 HKT 2013

Dear all,

According to the MSG Operating Principles, we should appoint the Chair and vice-chairs of the MSG at the meeting tomorrow.

See: http://rigf.asia/documents/APrIGF_Operating%20Principles_of_MSG_20130506.pdf

Note that 2 vice-chairs are also needed, and they should be elected for 2-year staggered terms.  Therefore we should elect 1 vice-chair for a 1-year term, and one for a 2-year term.  The chair is elected for 2 years.

Formally I should step down before tomorrow's meeting and ask for an temporary chair to preside until the new chair is elected.  Edmon has kindly agreed to do this.

Nominations for the chair positions should be sent to this mailing list, or else to Edmon, before the start of the meeting tomorrow.



PS the chair appointments would be considered as a decision of the MSG, therefore if it is possible to have a consensus decision tomorrow, then this should stand. otherwise a formal vote would be needed, and this will not be possible during tomorrow's meeting.  In this case, Edmon would remain as acting chair until the election process is completed.
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