[Rigf_program] contribution on national/regional IGFs to IGF open consultation May 21

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Wed May 15 15:42:47 HKT 2013

Hi everyone,

Unless there are any objections, I propose to sent the following text
on national/regional IGFs as a contribution from us to the open



Proposal for a National and Regional IGF session, Bali IGF.
Contribution from the APrIGF multi-stakeholder steering committee, for
the IGF open consultation, 21 May 2013, Geneva.

There should be a session in Bali to allow national/regional IGFs to
share and discuss information about the outcomes of their meetings.

We suggest that the coordinators of each national/regional activity
are invited to join a coordinating group, which will work with the MAG
and IGF Secretariat to arrange the session.

The coordinating group should prepare a standard reporting format.
Reports of each national/regional activity should be prepared in
advance of the session and made available on the IGF website. The
coordinating group will produce an initial analysis of the
regional/national IGFs reports submitted. The analysis will be an
input for the dialogue.  Each report can be briefly introduced during
a "reporting-in" part of the session.

We emphasize that the main purpose of the session should be to allow
discussion between the respective national/regional activities.
Reporting-in from the national/regional IGFs should be kept to a
minimum. Discussion should seek to identify the commonality of views
across the different regions/countries, and at the same time identify
the unique elements that arise from each process.

Based on the input reports, initial analysis and discussion, an
outcome report identifying areas of commonality and difference should
be prepared by the coordinating group as an output of the session. The
outcome report will go beyond identification/comparison to provide a
more substantive analysis; for example on common challenges faced,
different/local interpretations of same topics, etc.

Session features:  a substantive session that focuses on dialogue not
reporting.  Written reports, to a pre-agreed format, required from
each process must be submitted before the Bali IGF.  Brief
reporting-in from each national/regional activity important.  Session
outcome report to be prepared.

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