[Rigf_program] [Aug 23 Fri 0400 UTC] Notes from the last APrIGF Weekly Meeting

Pablo Hinojosa pablo at apnic.net
Tue Aug 27 05:43:00 HKT 2013

Dear all,

Below you will find the notes of the previous conference call.

Orientation and Opening sessions:

  *   Minister will arrive at 11:15 and will stay for lunch until 12:30 / 1pm.
  *   In order to have substantial opening session, it can start and then welcome the Minister to join.
  *   An idea was circulated to the list to combine orientation with opening session. Edmon said the host would need to confirm the opening ceremony and orientation arrangements and he would send a revised schedule when it is confirmed

Finalise Workshops:

  *   YJ confirmed that the ISOC session (#15) is finalised.
  *   Dong-eun said the Security workshop (#13) has a moderator and three confirmed speakers, but they are all from Korea. He asked the group to recommend speakers from other countries to be added.
  *   The ideas of speakers joining remotely and sourcing delegate participants as additional speakers were discussed. It would be too late to try to contact people not already planning to attend.
  *   A short discussion about the  “giganet/internet” session organised by the National Internet Association where speakers have been confirmed.

Opening/closing plenary:

  *   Kilnam suggested some related workshops to move to the same day and make summary sessions end earlier. Edmon said some more adjustments could be made, but the priority is to consider logistics for the speakers and there are other constraints. It may be possible for the Secretariat and local host to make these adjustments.

Local host update

  *   Please refer to the update circulated by Dong-eun on the program and logistics.

2014 host evaluation

  *   There are clarification questions that need to be sent by Secretariat to both proposers with a deadline of Wednesday August 28th.
  *   Paul informed about a space for an informal MSG meeting during the Internet Governance Session at APNIC 36. See: http://conference.apnic.net/36/program#session/61735
  *   There will be remote participation for this session, details in the above webpage.
  *   The Friday teleconference call will proceed as planned, however, Paul may not be able to attend due to the APNIC Member Meeting happening at the same time.
  *   The main discussion on the host proposal will take place over the mailing list, and then there will be a final meeting during the week in Seoul, and if a decision is reached, an announcement will be made at the closing ceremony.



From: APrIGF Secretariat <sec at aprigf.asia<mailto:sec at aprigf.asia>>
Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2013 11:35 PM
To: "program at aprigf.asia<mailto:program at aprigf.asia> APrIGF Committee" <program at aprigf.asia<mailto:program at aprigf.asia>>
Subject: [Rigf_program] [Aug 23 Fri 0400 UTC] APrIGF Weekly Meeting

Dear All,

Please be reminded about our meeting on Friday.

Date: Friday, 23 August 2013
Time: 04:00-05:00 UTC
Meeting Number: 863 617 165
Meeting Password: helloIGF

1. Review of Minutes and Action Items (attached the minutes)
- Follow up on Orientation Workshop
- Finalize workshop #15 ISOC Chapters, #13 Cyber Security
- PC to suggest speakers to various panels (edmon to take the lead)
2. Program (attached the program with additional column of suggested speakers from Edmon)
- Updates about the Changes & Status (by Yannis)
- Updates about Opening/Closing Plenary (by KISA)
3. Updates from Local Host
4. APrIGF 2014 Host Evaluation (attached the comparison sheet, some info TBC and awaiting reply from proponents)
5. A.O.B

To start the online meeting
1. Go to https://apnic.webex.com/apnic/j.php?ED=229799737&UID=490553477&PW=NYzQyN2Y2OTBh&RT=MyM1NA%3D%3D
2. If you are not logged in, log in to your account.
Audio conference information
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-866-469-3239
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300
Global call-in numbers: https://apnic.webex.com/apnic/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=229799737&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf

Access code:863 617 165

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