[Rigf_program] APrIGF meeting this week?

Paul Wilson pwilson at apnic.net
Tue Apr 9 10:52:13 HKT 2013

Dear all,

The next scheduled APrIGF meeting is for 0400 UTC on this Friday.

For those of us in Beijing, this is midday local time, Friday.  The good news is that this is outside of the ICANN schedule so it won't clash;  the bad news is that many of you/us may be travelling from Beijing at this time, or you may have other plans for Friday (sightseeing?).

Personally I am available, and I think it is best to stick to the schedule if possible.  However some flexibility may be called for.

Please complete the following Doodle poll:


One option would be to have an onsite meeting in Beijing during Thursday (best time may be between the public forum and the closing event), and also keep to the teleconference schedule for the usual meeting on Friday, for those not in Beijing.  But let's look at the numbers.



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