[Rigf_program] Meeting with AP govt in Beijing

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Sun Apr 7 16:15:33 HKT 2013

Hi everyone.

Had a quick chat with Peter Nettlefold, Australia GAC rep and incoming
GAC vice chair for AP region, and Heather Dryden GAC chair.  They
suggested the best way to meet with the region's govt would be to come
to a GAC session before a break and ask Heather to announce we are
there and any AP region govt would like a quick briefing on the APrIGF
should stay behind.

When can most of us attend?  Suggestions are:

Before break for lunch Monday.
End of the day, Tuesday.
Before break for lunch Wednesday.  And GAC can't guarantee Wednesday
as they might be running late with other work (communiqué etc.)

Does this sound reasonable?

No time for a Doodle poll!  If OK, when works best for most of us (a
good number.)

I am only sending this email to the program at ap.rigf.asia list (and
Yannis), please forward if this appropriate.



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