[Rigf_program] Assistance on locating other AP IGF events

Keith Davidson keith at internetnz.net.nz
Thu Jun 7 07:44:09 HKT 2012


I am aware of the following IGF activities in the Asia Pacific Region:

Sub Regional:		

1. Arab IGF  www.igfarab.org

2. Pacific IGF  www.pacificigf.org


3.  Australia IGF (no website yet)

4.  Bangladesh IGF  www.bigf.org

5.  Japan IGF  www.igf-jp.org

6.  New Zealand IGF  www.nethui.org.nz

If any of you are aware of any other Asia Pacific based sub-regional or 
in country IGFs, could you please advise me of the name, website and 
contact details of the organiser?


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